Please note: some scheduled events maybe subject to change. Weather conditions may cause cancellation or relocation of outdoor events. You will automatically be notified or changes for events which require registration, otherwise, please check back.
Here are some upcoming events, mark your calendar, register, attend…
Get-Together is a nice relaxed way to meet other new members and not-so-new members of the Family Network.
Do you still have some questions related to your relocation? Or simply want to socialize? Come on and connect with us...
Do you have an inspiring real story or a unique experience to share with other WBFN Members worldwide - Join Us to share your stories.
Corporate Security has launched a security briefing for family members to help WBG spouses, partners and dependents who have recently relocated.
For all newcomers or even if you have been in the area, this is a great way to learn about relocation to Washington, DC.