Special Announcement



From the Presidents' desk—January 2022

Happy New Year!!
We wish you and your loved ones a joyous 2022. Hope the new year brings with it new and exciting prospects to enrich your lives. To add to the icing, we are thrilled to announce that this year the World Bank Group Family Network celebrates its 50th Anniversary — A journey we are immensely proud of, advocating and supporting our community through thick and thin. The seed was sown back in June 1972 when the organization called WIVES (Women’s Information and Volunteer Services), was officially recognized and provided with an office by the then WBG President, Mr. Robert McNamara. From then on, the organization continued to charge forward expanding its reach and building strong partners within the World Bank Group and beyond. Today we are proud to be present across 55 countries with more than 7000 strong members. 
This is a year to celebrate and acknowledge everyone who has in their own capacity made contributions in the past 50 years, both at HQ and Worldwide, in making our community stronger and pivot towards excellence. We will soon be sharing with you details of what’s in store, so please be on the lookout. 
With the rising concerns towards the spouse EAC renewal process in the USA, on 20th December we held a special session inviting the WBG HR VP Ms. Annette Dixon as well as the HR Operations Team to address our community and answer their queries and concerns. The session was recorded and will be sent to our members in a seperate email. These have been exceptionally challenging times across the board for all of us and with adequate support things will steadily begin to settle down. 
With the New Year we welcome you to take a step forward in doing your bit. We would love to have you join our team of enthusiasts and volunteers, and hand in hand, together we will build our community even stronger. 
Keep well and best wishes for 2022!
Sara and Ashik


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