Special Announcement


Work Authorization

Moving to Washington DC with the World Bank Group? Whether you are planning your move to DC, have just arrived or have been in the US for years, here is some important practical information to help guide you through the relocation process as a WBG spouse/partner. For detailed information, read our Welcoming Handbook, attend our information seminars and welcoming events posted on our Activities page. Join our WBFN Buddy Whatsapp Group for Newcomers to DC for practical information, tips and support in real time, anytime. Send an email to wbfnwelcoming@worldbank.org

Support—Headquarters—Work Authorization

An Employment Authorization Card (EAC) is required for G-4 dependents for nearly all paid jobs in the US, including consultant positions in international organizations. Unpaid work, such as volunteer work, does not require work authorization ONLY at WBFN. All paid or unpaid positions NOW require that you have your work authorization.

G-4 dependent spouses, same-sex domestic partners, and children may be eligible to work in the US. The WBG Visa Office assists dependents in applying for work authorization. Once permission is granted, you will receive an EAC from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Be aware that obtaining an EAC can take a very long time, so the earlier you apply, the better. If your application is prepared correctly, the wait time to receive the EAC will be 6-12 weeks.

Before applying for work authorization, the G-4 dependent must be in possession of their own Personal Identification Number (PID). Obtaining a PID generally takes 2-4 weeks. This can be applied for through the staff intranet site of the WBG

Please note that the PID Number and EAC application processes cannot be started until the G-4-dependent applying is physically in the United States.

WBG has no control over the duration of any of these US government processes: there is no 'fast-track' for applications, no provision for 'urgent' applications, and no tracking facility.

EAC application information is found through the staff intranet site of the WBG.

One-on-one assistance is also available at the WBG Visa Corner, World Bank G Building. Consultation hours are 10am to 12pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and 1 pm to 3 pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. You can call HR Operations at 202-473-2222. The WBFN Office can also answer some questions about work authorization and the application process.

To apply for or renew your EAC, you must follow a set of precise steps. Each step is critical and mandatory, as is attention to detail. If you miss any step, or if you perform any step incompletely or incorrectly, your application will be delayed or rejected. Erroneously prepared applications will be returned to you. Please note that as of September 2017, a complete CV is also required for the EAC application.

The WBG staff member will be notified by email when your EAC is ready.


A spouse, same-sex domestic partner, or dependent child may apply for employment authorization in the United States if ALL the following conditions are met:

  • Applicant’s spouse, same-sex domestic partner, or parent is employed by the WBG in the US and holds a principal G-4 visa
  • Applicant holds a G-4 dependent visa
  • The staff member's WBG assignment in the US is expected to last more than six months from the date that the applicant applies for employment authorization
  • Applicant lives in the same household as the WBG staff member (dependent children who live at school during the academic year are considered residents in the staff member's household), and
  • Applicant is physically in the US (as evidenced by their having a current I-94 number) 

For dependent children, the following conditions also apply:

  • Full-time students are not eligible after their 23rd birthday. Therefore, to allow for processing time, they may not apply for employment authorization unless they are age 22 years 9 months or younger
  • Non-students and part-time students are not eligible after their 21st birthday. Therefore, to allow for processing time, they may not apply for employment authorization unless they are age 20 years 9 months or younger
  • Children who are mentally or physically handicapped may be eligible for employment authorization beyond age 21. See the HR Service Center for more information

Opposite sex domestic partners or children of domestic partners who are not legally adopted by the staff member are not eligible to apply for work authorization.

Once an applicant receives their EAC, they need to obtain a US Social Security Number (SSN), or update their SSN card if it says “Not valid for employment”. See the Social Security Number section for more information on how to obtain a SSN. Within the first three days at a new job, the applicant and the applicant's employer must complete US CIS Form I-9. To complete the form, the applicant will need to submit documentation of identity and employment eligibility. 

Work authorization is job-specific. For spouses and same-sex domestic partners, the EAC is normally valid until the end of their staff member's contract with the WBG. For dependent children, the validity period varies. If the WBG staff terminates employment, work authorization ceases immediately with no grace period, even if your EAC card shows a later expiration date. Please make and retain copies of the EAC issued to you, in case the original is lost or misplaced. 

Dependents with a valid EAC may change employers or seek additional employment. A new work permit application is NOT required to do so. You only need to provide HR Operations with certain documents*. HR will forward the information to the State Department. Once the State Department replies confirming the employer change, the WBG Visa Unit will notify you. Note that you can begin working for the new employer right away, without waiting for confirmation from the State Department.

*For details about which documents are required for different employment situations, visit the HR Operations external website.

Dependents must pay US federal, state and local (if applicable) income tax on all earnings in accordance with US state and local tax laws. The WBG will not assist G-4 staff or their dependents with tax issues or questions. A G4 dependent visa holder is a nonresident for US income tax purposes, and files a Form 1040NR, not Form 1040.

For an extension/renewal of a previous EAC card, the applicant must submit a copy of their US Federal Income Tax Return (Form 1040NR, pages 1 and 2 only) for EACH year or partial year covered by the last EAC card (maximum: three years). If tax returns are not available, the applicant must submit a signed and dated 'To Whom It May Concern' letter explaining the absence of tax returns, with a copy of W-2 forms if any. See the HR Operations checklist for more details on tax forms when renewing an EAC card.

*Please note that on the HR's external link about EAC, they mention Employment  Authorization Document (EAD) which is the same as the EAC!