Special Announcement



From the Presidents' desk—October 2020

October 2020

Dear Family Network members,

October is marked as the Domestic Abuse Awareness month, and at WBFN, we are deeply invested in protecting our members where possible. Domestic abuse is defined as a pattern of coercive behavior used by one person in a Domestic Relationship to gain or maintain power and control over another person. Domestic Abuse is perpetrated by intimate partners and other family members and manifested through physical, sexual, psychological and economic abuse. Domestic Abuse may include domestic violence. You might wonder, why do I need to know this? You need this information so that you may be able to help someone who is suffering abuse by directing them to the confidential resources offered by WBG’s Domestic Abuse Prevention Program (DAPP), which is open to staff and spouses/partners. With the right help no one should have to suffer in silence anymore.

It is unfortunate, but true that the pandemic has resulted in an increase in the number of cases of Domestic Abuse within our community. To build awareness and to mark the month of October, DAPP is launching the NO MORE campaign. A special webinar will be held on Thursday, October 1, at 12 pm, the details of which are available here "NO MORE". If you or someone you know is suffering from DA please contact us confidentially at familynetwork@worldbank.org or DAPP at their phone and email at +1-202-473-2931 and daprevention@worldbank.org.

Parents across the WBG community are struggling to manage online schooling for their kids. We have worked hard to arrive at a solution for parents to navigate this difficult reality. We are very happy to inform you that the Family Network, in partnership with Staff Association and WBGHR, has launched a new website, “Parenting Now”, which is a one stop shop for WBG parents to access resources related to all aspects of childcare and education. Please follow the link to access these thoroughly researched and recommended resources to ease the burden of childcare during the pandemic.

On a lighter note, this month is also known as Walktober in the US. Walktober is a 31-day walking challenge designed to inspire everyone to make walking a priority especially as October is a cooler month here and the leaves are taking on beautiful fall colors. If possible, dear members, why don’t you embark on this challenge and share with us your experiences? We look forward to hearing from you at familynetwork@worldbank.org.

Stay safe and healthy!

Our warmest regards,

Padmini and Sara

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