Special Announcement



From the Presidents' desk—August 2021

Dear Family Network members,

As the summer months progress in the northern hemisphere, we hope all of you are doing well and hopefully many of you are enjoying well-deserved breaks with your family and dear ones. Many of the relocations in the WBG happen during the months of August and September, so some of you might be preparing for moves with your families as well. We hope that you are keeping safe and looking after yourselves and your families, no matter where you are.

Families are always at the center of our members’ lives, and families are central to WBGFN, of course! In the last year, our lives have changed quite a bit, we have seen and continue to see many setbacks, but we continue to adapt and be resilient. As the locations in the world return to varying degrees of normalcy, we remain focused on how we can support our community of WBG families.

While at the WBGFN we focus on how we can support and advocate for our families, here is how you can support us: please participate in our activities, in whatever capacity you can. Keep an eye on our website, social media and newsletters for our upcoming activities and attend them, or even better, volunteer for them. As the reopening landscape changes in different parts of the world, we will keep you updated on how you can participate and volunteer in our various upcoming activities.

Kind regards,

Sara Jaffrey and Ashik Rahman

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