Special Announcement



Families in Global Transition: A Resource for Us

April 1, 2018

If relocation is part of your story, then Families in Global Transition (FIGT) is an organization you will want to know about. FIGT is:

 (…) a welcoming forum for globally mobile individuals, families, and those working with them. We promote cross-sector connections for sharing research and developing best practices that support the growth, success and well-being of people crossing cultures around the world.

FIGT holds a large conference once a year with keynote speakers, discussion panels and workshops that address a huge range of individual and business aspects of global life. This year’s speakers include:

  • Authors, magazine publishers, podcast creators and bloggers on global living
  • Psychologists and therapists specializing in TCK’s and/or adapting to new environments
  • HR specialists in international relocation for businesses
  • Lawyers specializing in international family and business law
  • Consultants for businesses on cultural sensitivity
  • PR for firms operating internationally
  • Branding and marketing for firms expanding internationally
  • Consultants and coaches for expat retirees
  • International school consultants
  • International school consultants for special needs children
  • Online therapists for speech and other developmental needs
  • Career mobility coaches
  • A talent recruiter for businesses
  • Coaches for every aspect of relocation, cultural and career changes, leadership, and more
  • Researchers on global living
  • Cross-cultural financing
  • Intercultural training
  • College–age global kids
  • How to use the Internet for health education
  • And more….

You can read about all of the above presenters on FIGT’s website for this year’s conference or check out the list from the 2017 conference. Some of their services might be just right for your needs, or you might want to see how others become mobility entrepreneurs by taking advantage of the knowledge and experience they have gained through relocation. If you want to see how other people have managed relocation, you can go to their websites to find out how to read (or listen to) their many personal accounts. You can also see if any of the presenters are based in your city and connect up with them.

FIGT has even started a Washington DC chapter. Their first event was hosted by WBFN in January, where Yvonne Quahe, WBFN’s career specialist, was one of the presenters. When asked to identify the most important skill for a globally mobile career, Yvonne said:

Mindset. You have to believe you can gain more by moving than by staying.

FIGT is a great resource for WBFN spouses to explore how to make relocation positive and enriching for themselves and their families by finding every kind of support.

The FIGT website, can be accessed by CLICKING HERE

Alex Alba
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