Special Announcement



If WBGFN was a Movie

Life is like a movie... especially to us, globally mobile families, to whom life often writes the most improbable scenarios. There is room for every genre in this ex-pat movie-life: the excitement of adventure, big laugh of comedy, and silent tears of drama. But wherever the good winds bring us, there is always hope that "somewhere over the rainbow" a happy ending awaits us.

And although this movie-like journey sometimes feels scary and brings lots of uncertainty, we know that we are never "home alone". WBGFN is always here for us; whether we drop our luggage in a vibrant district of Mexico City, on a rainy day in Nairobi, or in the colorful chaos of New Delhi. Our worldwide community is always here to welcome and extend a helping hand to all newcomers! 

On this movie note, some time ago we asked our members to share with us a movie title that best describes our WBG Family Network.  We would love to share a few titles with you all today and hope you will enjoy reading them!

And you? Which title would you choose for a WBGFN movie?


Jojo: “WBGFN Flight Off!!”

Let me start with a scenario that I now see. It’s summer and the welcoming coffee session is virtual on zoom, and we have 34 attendees! More than the average in previous physical sessions! Using technological innovations, WBGFN, just like other big organizations is ready to embrace the future of communications. It doesn’t deduct, it adds up more since participants could have 2 options, one virtual and the other face to face. You don’t miss anything, since you could participate anywhere! It’s a flight off for other WBGFN sessions and activities as well! Sky is the limit!


Sadaf: “World’s heaven”

WBGFN is a very pleasant and enjoyable place.  Spending my time with the big WBGFN family feels like  heaven on earth to me. WBGFN contributes to the well-being of its members and truly takes care of WBG families. I have no other words to describe this feeling but World’s heaven.


Ashik: “Steel Magnolias”

Firstly, if you haven't watched Steel Magnolias, you really should. It's a wonderful, funny, sad but ultimately heartwarming movie about a group of friends, who are there for one another through happy occasions like a wedding, welcoming a newborn, as well as a tragic death -- all the ups and downs of lives.
The Family Network often reminds me of the group of friends in Steel Magnolias. I've experienced members stand by and support each other through happy times, sad and tragic times and everything in between. We have laughed, and cried, together. Far away from one's own country, without the support of the extended family; the biggest comfort one can have is knowing that someone will be there for us. The Family Network is the group of friends that you know will be there for you, when you need them.


Laurent : “The love boat” - the television series of my childhood, a comedy that inspired me with this analogy with the WBG Family Network.

We are in the same boat from Washington to Yaoundé, Bangkok or Islamabad. When we must move, we have the same questions, the same concerns, we must be united. WBG Family Network allows, in this period of transition, a mutual help, an essential support for the integration, the comprehension and the assimilation of the language, the culture, the habits and behaviors in a new country. The quality of the welcome and the support during the stay in a foreign country is essential to have a pleasant and fulfilling life. WBGFN is an organization of the WBG’s families and animated by the families, thank you to all these volunteers for their generosity and their commitment.


Mary: “The Miracle Worker” 

WBGFN reminds me of the movie, “The Miracle Worker”.  Through love and fortitude, gifted teacher Anne Sullivan Macy helps open the world to Helen Keller, a young girl who cannot hear or see. Like Anne’s partnership with Helen, WBGFN is a supportive partner with its members even in tough circumstances, recognizing that language and learning are gateways to unlock and enjoy the world around us. 

Paul: “From Here to Eternity”

WBGFN is here for you now, even before you arrive at your new location,  after you arrive, and will always be with you.... as we say.... a member for life-once a member always a member.


The WBGFN forces are with you all! The WBGFN has always fought to find innovative solutions to support fellow members, hear inspiring ideas and provide unique friendships for our extraordinary community. I have been volunteering for some time now, yet the atmosphere is always refreshing, and opportunities are constantly available. The forces of WBGFN are with you and united in the cause to benefit its members and safeguard their interests!


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