Special Announcement



From the Presidents' desk—July 2020

July 2020

Dear WBFN members,

Greetings from Washington D.C! Its over 100 days since quarantine but we must stay the course and stay safe. We hope that you are doing everything you can to stay fit and healthy and Covid free!

The new Fiscal Year begins now and ushers in a new team with WBFN. We would like to extend a warm welcome to the new Executive Committee and wish them all the best for a successful and productive year. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Sara Jaffery, the new President Operations of WBFN. Sara has been with us since 2015 and has volunteered in various capacities. We are looking forward to working together and serving the World Bank community. We would like to thank the outgoing President Marie Noelle Taillandier for her years of wonderful service as President WBFN! As FY20 ends we would like to express a heartfelt thanks to all our volunteers who make this organization run so smoothly. Without our volunteers, we would be unable to function.

 At WBFN we have been busy brainstorming and coming up with new ideas to convert all our programs to the virtual platform. We have had a series of interesting Virtual hangouts. Most recently we have been ‘visiting’ our country offices and we will continue to do so. Career Lab, Welcoming Information Sessions, Information Seminars have gone virtual. We are restarting our Member’s Corner so that members can ‘drop in’ and have a chat with us. We are about to launch our ‘FUN ON SCREEN’ initiative which is a program exclusively for kids of WBG. Please look out for details!  

Enjoy the summer!

With our warmest wishes,

Padmini and Sara

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