Special Announcement



Thinking of Starting a Business?

Starting a business Image

Are you thinking about starting a business here in the US? The WBFN, in partnership with the IMF Family Associations (IMFFA) and IDB Family Association (IDBFA), has just concluded this year’s series of workshops, IDEAS INTO ACTION, on entrepreneurship. The 300+ attendees included G-4 visa (the majority) and green card holders, as well as US citizens. Most were spouses and partners, with some staff and consultants also in attendance.

For many spouses and partners, starting a business after relocating is an attractive option. Such challenges as language, recertification requirements, and lack of local contacts and experience can make resuming your profession after arrival problematic. Also, the desire for more control over our work hours and career, or simply wanting to make a professional change, are common motivators.

Take a look at some of the businesses started by WBFN members:

  • Graphic Design Agency
  • Interior Design
  • Professional Photography
  • Video production
  • Leadership and relationship coaching
  • Management consultancy (organizations & individual entrepreneurs)
  • Real Estate Agency
  • Clothing
  • Jewelry
  • Law firm
  • Investment advisor
  • Financial advisor
  • Concert pianist
  • College consulting, essay editing, student tutoring
  • Dog trainer

The recent series of workshops on entrepreneurship was designed to introduce spouses and partners to all areas of knowledge needed to run a business in the US, especially for G-4 visa holders.  If you were not able to attend and are considering starting your own business, below is the very useful eleven page flyer, which outlines all the topics covered in the workshops, as well as bios of the speakers. Looking over the topics will give you a good idea of the range of requirements for starting a business. In the coming weeks, video recordings for each workshop will be available on the WBFN, IMFFA and IDBFA websites

One outcome of the workshops will be the creation of Ideas into Action networking groups for past attendees and prospective entrepreneurs. The purpose of the groups will be to learn from peers, network, find support, and scope out possible business partners.

If you have further questions, please contact Gisele Youmbi, who runs the Professional Development Program at the WBFN: professionaldev@wbfn.org

Alex Alba
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