Special Announcement


Ideas for Stay at Home Activities

WBGFN cares about your wellbeing while at home, either well remotely working, taking care of children or just need some other ideas. We hope you find these useful and informative.

Psychosocial Support Programs During COVID-19
HSD's Counseling Unit team has developed a series of online programs to provide additional psychosocial support and guidance during this global health crisis.
As one season turns to the next, we all continue to manage the complex situation that has arisen from the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Some of us have returned to the workplace and are adjusting to that transition, whereas others of us continue to work from home, balancing the many – and perhaps at times competing – elements of our lives that make us who we are. The staff of HSD's Mental Health & Wellbeing Unit are keenly aware of these challenges and they are pleased to announce their fourth series of support programs and webinars that have been designed specifically with your needs in mind. Some of these sessions are new, and some are continuations – "parts two" – of presentations that they have given before. We hope that you will find them useful and will take the time to join them.
Please click on the links below for schedules on a wide range of virtual sessions and webex you can join. All the information on the sessions and how to connect are located on the link which will open a PDF. On the PDF link there are instructions on how to connect from the webex website , you will then be adding the meeting number and then the meeting password, that are located on the PDF link, also there is a diagram in the PDF to help you understand how to connect.

External Links:

Winter 2022

Additionally, Domestic Abuse Prevention Program (DAPP) events can also be found on our external website.​

Upcoming Sessions WBG:


Upcoming Sessions IMF:


Some of the topics that are being discussed are:


  • Staying Resilient During the Coronavirus Pandemic
  • Helping Children Cope During the Coronavirus Pandemic
  • Leadership During Crises: Managing Self and Others
  • Love in the Time of Corona
  • Workplace Adjustments

Find Your Power, Purpose and Prosper- recording of webinar and materials

Managing Conflict in Relationships Disagreements will happen in al relationships, but what matters is how they are dealt with. Presentation by: Frozan Esmati and Megha Gore 

Counselor-Moderated "Open-Door" Sessions

The intention of these sessions is to provide a safe space to support one another during this difficult time

  • Wellness and Self-care
  • Staying Connected
  • Setting Boundaries
  • Compassion for Self and Others
  • Maintaining Healthy Relationships
  • Parenting through COVID-19

Domestic Abuse Prevention Program 

Open to: WBG, IMF, and IDB staff, spouses, domestic partners, family members and retirees For non WBG/IMF External Participants, follow this link (link is external) includes a listing of all of HSD’s “Psychosocial Support Programs During COVID-19”

As 2020 turns to 2021, we all continue to manage the complex situation that has arisen from the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Some of us have returned to the workplace and are adjusting to that transition, whereas others of us continue to work from home, balancing the many – and perhaps at times competing – elements of our lives that make us who we are. The staff of HSD's Mental Health & Wellbeing Unit are keenly aware of these challenges and are pleased to announce their fifth series of support programs and webinars that have been designed specifically with your needs in mind. Some of these sessions are new, and some are continuations – "parts two" – of presentations that we have given before. I hope that you will find them useful and will take the time to join us.

Links below (where applicable/accessible):

link for WBG Staff > https://worldbankgroup.sharepoint.com/sites/hsd/Pages/SPC/Psychosocial-Support-Programs-During-COVID19-03302020-142419.aspx

Archives for WBG Staff > https://worldbankgroup.sharepoint.com/sites/hsd/Pages/SPC/Archives-Psychosocial-Support-Programs-During-COVID19-05072020-110225.aspx

link for IMF Staff > https://worldbankgroup.sharepoint.com/sites/hsdimf/Pages/SPC/Psychosocial-Support-Programs-During-COVID19-03312020-091548.aspx

Archives for IMF Staff > https://worldbankgroup.sharepoint.com/sites/hsdimf/Pages/SPC/Archives-Psychosocial-Support-Programs-During-COVID19-05072020-140237.aspx

External Links:

Additionally, Domestic Abuse Prevention Program events can also be found on our external website, please see the PDF file of those upcoming sessions as well.

DAPP Celebrates 20th Anniversary

  • DAPP 20th Anniversary - Video (Internal WBG link)


  • DAPP Event - Sharing Achievements, Lessons Learned, Best Practices and the Pathway Forward - Video (Internal WBG link)


  • DAAP 20th Anniversary - Video (External WBG link)


  • DAPP Event - Sharing Achievements, Lessons Learned, Best Practices and the Pathway Forward  - Video (External WBG link)



Past Sessions and Information:

WED: 07/22/2020: 12:00 pm Wash DC

DAPP – Lunch & Learn: Helping Children Cope with Social Distance: A Call to Parents

Communicating with our children about disruptions, changes, fears, and uncertainty at any age can be difficult but more importantly we need to realize our children and youth are grieving losses related to COVID.  As parents, it is important to make them feel safe and to protect their mental wellness. As role models, we want to lead by example using best practice for mental wellness and resiliency. In this session, we will discuss strategies to help you learn key skills to help you and your children.

Hosted by: Malahat Baig-Amin & Elizabeth Legrain
Guest Speaker: Pilar Alfaro-Palacios, Counselor

WED: 07/22/2020: 12:00 pm Wash DC, 7:00 pm Nairobi, 9:30 pm Delhi, 11:00 pm Bangkok

Pilar was born and raised in Peru until her family moved to Washington DC area on a G-4 status when she was a teenager. She holds a bachelor's degree in psychology from George Washington University, a Master's in Psychology and an equivalency to a Master's in School Counseling from Loyola University, MD. Is a licensed clinical professional counselor (LCPC) with a private practice in Chevy Chase, MD where she works with individuals, couples, and families. For many years, she has worked in Montgomery County Public Schools in the capacity of school counselor serving international students and parents from around the world. In her current position as state certified Pupil Personnel Worker, she serves as an advocate and consultant to school staffs and parents on a variety of issues. She is intimately aware of the challenges children and parents face and works to foster understanding and collaboration efforts among home, school, and community resources. Married for 32 years and mother of three.

WED: 07/29/2020: 12:00 pm Wash DC

DAPP – Lunch & Learn: A Personal and Professional Growth Journey

Session 1: The Law of Intentionality "Growth Doesn't Just Happen"

Identify growth gaps and misconceptions that prevent us from moving from where we are to where we want to be.

Hosted by: Malahat Baig-Amin & Elizabeth Legrain
Guest Speaker: Caroline Johnson, John Maxwell Leadership Coach, Trainer, Mentor and Speaker on self-motivation. Founder of Caroline Sarah Ventures

WED: 07/29/2020: 12:00 pm Wash DC, 7:00 pm Nairobi, 9:30 pm Delhi, 11:00 pm Bangkok 

​Caroline is founder of Caroline Sarah Ventures LLC (CSV), a Washington D.C.-based, woman-owned company which provides individual and small group coaching services, in-person and on- line, that focus on educating, motivating and developing customized pathways to success. Caroline's international acumen is critical to her success in global education, international business and strategic communications/digital platforms. She understands the dynamics of contemporary life and work in a diverse, multicultural, inter-connected world. She is multilingual (fluent in English, French and Spanish; and conversational in Portuguese and Italian). Caroline completed her MBA in Spanish at EUDE in Spain. She also obtained a BA in Management from ESC Business School in France and an MA in International Business & Languages from Heriot Watt University, Scotland. Caroline has completed a series of continuing education programs in the United States, receiving professional certification to qualify as an Executive and Personal Coach with a specialist focus on leadership development, the empowerment of women and positive psychology.

WED: 08/05/2020: 12:00 pm Wash DC,

DAP​P – Lunch & Learn: Show Up, Dream Big, Be Intentional: Living on Purpose in Difficult Times

​Joanne will discuss how to help you discover ways to feel happy about your work and satisfied you're living up to your potential. Challenging times like these, when many of us are forced to adjust to new ways of working and interacting with our colleagues, can make our personal goals seem even more difficult to achieve. This presentation will give you some tools to clarify your personal vision, translate the vision into goals, and create a plan for reaching those goals, so you can show up at your best where it matters most.

Hosted by: Malahat Baig-Amin & Elizabeth Legrain
Guest Speaker: Joanne Cleary, Coach

WED: 08/05/2020: 12:00 pm Wash DC, 7:00 pm Nairobi, 9:30 pm Delhi, 11:00 pm Bangkok 

​Joanne Creary is a trained professional life coach who has a passion for helping her clients break free of limiting beliefs and discover their unique life calling. She is the owner of Well Woman Coaching with the mission to support others in their personal growth and development so they can live happier, more meaningful lives. Joanne believes firmly in the idea that change is possible and that anyone can overcome obstacles and write a different ending to their life story. Joanne is a former Senior Communications Officer in the IMF's Communications Department. In addition to being a life coach, she is a seasoned communications professional, writer and editor. She holds a master's degree in Counseling Psychology and certification in life and group coaching. She is a contributor to the book Called to Coach, edited by Janice LaVore-Fletcher. Joanne is a member of the International Coach Federation.

WED: 09/16/2020: 12:00 pm Wash DC

DAPP – Lunch & Learn: A Personal and Professional Growth Journey
Session 2: The Law of Awareness "You Must Grow Yourself to Know Yourself"
Find direction​ and discover what steps you need to take. Mindfulness techniques included.

Hosted by: Malahat Baig-Amin & Elizabeth Legrain
Guest Speaker: Caroline Johnson, John Maxwell Leadership Coach, Trainer, Mentor and Speaker on self-motivation. Founder of Caroline Sarah Ventures

WED: 09/16/2020: 12:00 pm Wash DC, 7:00 pm Nairobi, 9:30 pm Delhi, 11:00 pm Bangkok 

For Caroline's bio, please see the above session.

WBG/IMF DAPP Sites: http://DomesticAbuse/(link is external)  | External DAPP Site: http://www.worldbank.org/DomesticAbuse/(link is external)

What is WBG Parenting Now?

WBG Parenting Now is an online interactive One-stop Shop for WBG parents around the world, who are looking for resources and to exchange information, which will help them to navigate the stressful parenting landscape in a world affected by the global pandemic.

The ongoing situation has put a unique challenge on WBG parents, especially in locations where schools are not open or providing distance learning programs. Catering to the demands of home-based work, while trying to ensure their children do not lag in education, nurturing and social development is proving to be challenging for WBG parents.

It is not easy being flooded with emails, links to resources, and social media shares offering different kinds of programming for home learning. The Parenting Now portal aims to give you a sense of what is out there, what would be useful for you – from a directory that is curated by WBG Parents - as well as an online forum for exchanging information between WBG Parents.

About Parenting Now Resources

We are compiling, and exchanging ‘resources’ i.e. information about the following services that can be helpful for WBG parents and their kids during these challenging times:

  • Education/Tutoring: Information about online or broadcast platforms that can enrich learning for kids, tutoring help for parents, etc.

  • Childcare: Information about childcare service providers, babysitters or nannies, who you can recommend, based on location.

  • Wellbeing: Online, virtual or in-person services that can help to promote the mental, physical and emotional wellbeing of parents as well as kids.

  • Recreational: Parent-recommended recreation resources for kids – can be information about activities, events, programming etc.

This is a living website that needs your participation:

  • Ask for it in your forums -- if you do not find what you are looking for, please ask for it in our forums – another parent might be able to help you, and we’ll do our best to research it.

  • Share information about resources you know -- If you happen to know of a good resource that you can recommend – please share it with us and in the forums.

  • If something is not right, let us know -- Please get in touch with us through email to let us know if something needs attention in the site.

Who is this portal for? Can my spouse use this?

This portal is intended for all WBG staff and their spouses. The parenting resources directory can be freely accessed. To access the portal, please CLICK HERE.

If you are a spouse, who is not employed by the World Bank group, you will need to sign up for a login and password (subject to verification), to be able to participate in the WBG Parents Forum.


Please remember that the listing of a resource or any information on the Parenting Now site does NOT indicate, or imply an endorsement from the World Bank Group, the Staff Association or the Family Network. Each listing is based on recommendations from fellow WBG Parents, please use your own judgment and conduct any necessary research before using any of the resources.

Here are some great ideas from WBCC--A big thank you Debbie, Isabelle and Caio

We know that this unexpected time with your children at home can be challenging. Please see below some ideas of activities that you can do with your children at home:

 Home-made Play Dough Recipe:

2 Cups Flour
2 Cups salt 
2 Tbs Cream of tartar
2 Tbs vegetable oil
1 Tbs food coloring
2 Cups Hot water

Slime Recipe: 


Volcano eruption recipe:

  1. 1 tablespoon warm water.
  2. Liquid dish washing detergent.
  3. Red food coloring.
  4. 1 tablespoon of baking soda.
  5. Vinegar.
  6. Small paper cup/ a bottle.

Keep your children up on their school work with writing numbers, reading ordinal numbers and seasons.

On-line books

Click on photo to open book







 Please see below some videos that can be used as a teaching tool.

The Tiny seed:

Season of the year song

Months of the year song

Days of the week song

Letter M song

Quite time music

Solar system song

Also, here is an idea for daily schedule:

09:00-10:00  Morning walk
10:00-11:00 Academic time (Writing letter/numbers)
11:00-12:00 Creative time (Baking/making play dough/Slime/volcano eruption etc)
12:00-01:00 Play exploration
01:00-01:30 Lunch
01:30-02:00 Story time
02:00- 3:30 quite time 
03:30 -04:00 snack time
04-00-05:00 afternoon walk

Please follow this link for all the information, registration and survey:  Virtual_Learning_Sessions_Starts_Aug312020.pdf   This document is provided by WBCC
The World Bank Children’s Center (WBCC) is introducing Virtual Learning opportunities for families offering parents and caregivers a framework for daily activities that will challenge and stimulate a child’s brain development. These Virtual Learning Sessions target the most crucial age for brain development, ages 13 months until 8 years of age.
Our Virtual Learning Sessions will have hourly sessions, Monday to Friday, with different times to choose from, starting August 31 through October 2. The sessions will target your child's developmental growth by providing challenging, fun, and age appropriate activities. Our teachers will be the moderators, and a parent, caregiver, nanny, grandparent, or a child on their own can be the audience.
TODDLERS (13 -24 months) Bonding Time & Support Team for Parents of Young Children TWOS & YOUNG PRE-SCHOOL (25-35 months) Support Team for Parents PRE-SCHOOL (36–47 months) & PRE-KINDERGARTEN (48-50 months) Fun & educational activities BEGINNER’S FRENCH Classes & AFTERNOON of FUN ACTIVITIES for 4-8 YEAR OLDS
  • For younger children (under 30 months) an adult must be present. Older children will need adult assistance only sporadically since we want them to foster independent skills. For older preschoolers & elementary school aged children, WBCC is ready to offer small group fun activity sessions in the afternoons to help your child virtually socialize with friends and ease the burden on parents' already busy schedules.
  •  During virtual learning, we are emphasizing Hands on Activity for your child. Along with the curriculum, is a list of the educational supplies that your child will need.
  •  In all age groups, we are incorporating useful topics for parent discussions, such as: potty training; moving from crib to cot; transitions; kindergarten readiness; biting; sibling rivalries; etc. Parents will also be given the option to suggest topics to be discussed.
To register, please click on the link here. For inquiries, send an e-mail to childcare@worldbank.org.
Fees*: $100/week per session $150/week for two sessions
*Fees are based on automatic payment made through ACH, which is charged to your registered checking account. An additional 2.5% convenience fee will be charged if payment is made via debit/credit card. If you need to cancel your registration, we will need to receive your cancellation notice to childcare@worldbank.org at least 14 days before the weekly session starts. Payments will be processed through KinderCare’s Family Connection, click here to create an online account with KinderCare. For instructions on how to create an account, click here on step-by-step guidelines.

*Here are some educational links shared by WBG staff and parents.

Khan Academy
Especially good for maths and computing for all ages but other subjects at Secondary level. Note this uses the U.S. grade system but it's mostly common material.

BBC Learning
This site is old and no longer updated and yet there's so much still available, from language learning to BBC Bitesize for revision. No TV licence required except for content on BBC iPlayer.

Free to access 100s of courses, only pay to upgrade if you need a certificate in your name (own account from age 14+ but younger learners can use a parent account).

For those revising at GCSE or A level. Tons of free revision content. Paid access to higher level material.

Free taster courses aimed at those considering Open University but everyone can access it. Adult level, but some e.g. nature and environment courses could well be of interest to young people.

Learn computer programming skills - fun and free.

Creative computer programming

Ted Ed
All sorts of engaging educational videos

National Geographic Kids
Activities and quizzes for younger kids.

Learn languages for free. Web or app.

Mystery Science
Free science lessons

The Kids Should See This
Wide range of cool educational videos

Crash Course
You Tube videos on many subjects

Crash Course Kids
As above for a younger audience

Crest Awards
Science awards you can complete from home.

iDEA Awards
Digital enterprise award scheme you can complete online.

Paw Print Badges
Free challenge packs and other downloads. Many activities can be completed indoors. Badges cost but are optional.

All kinds of making.

Prodigy Maths
Is in U.S. grades, but good for UK Primary age.

Cbeebies Radio
Listening activities for the younger ones.

Nature Detectives
A lot of these can be done in a garden, or if you can get to a remote forest location!

British Council
Resources for English language learning

Oxford Owl for Home
Lots of free resources for Primary age

Big History Project
Aimed at Secondary age. Multi disciplinary activities.

Geography Games
Geography gaming!

Blue Peter Badges
If you have a stamp and a nearby post box.

The Artful Parent
Good, free art activities

Red Ted Art
Easy arts and crafts for little ones

The Imagination Tree
Creative art and craft activities for the very youngest.

Toy Theater
Educational online games

DK Find Out
Activities and quizzes

This is more for printouts, and usually at a fee, but they are offering a month of free access to parents in the event of school closures.


*WBFN neither recommends or is endorsing outside content or links, please use your own discretion on determining if this is appropriate for yourself, children or family.

Fitness Videos from WBG Fitness Center

Yoga(link is external)    (Yoga with Xiaolin)

HIIT(link is external)    (High Intensity Interval Training with Mahdia)

WBG Fitness Team videos YouTube channel

From WBG Beijing Office

10 working-from-home tips (especially for parents)

1. Routines, routines, routines (for you and your children) 

2. Give your children lots of things to do! (Depending on their age, do a schedule planning for/with them. When their days are filled, you will have the peace of mind to work. For school-aged children, many schools now have daily on-line classes and homework. Extra-curriculum online programs are also available. Legos, Barbie dolls...Toys are not just their friends, but yours too!) 

3. Take frequent breaks! (for yourself but also to check on your little one. They may be more clingy and fussy during this time, so be patient with them!)

4. Set clear boundaries. Working at home may blur the boundary between work and life, and you have to define your boundaries. Eg. Turn on your laptop at 9AM sharp. Stop checking emails at 12PM and switch your battlefield to the kitchen and feed yourself and your dependents. Also, unless necessary, no work after 6PM. Spend much deserved quality time with your family!

5. Get your children involved in house chores. Working at home definitely implies more housework (cooking, cleaning and sanitizing), and you have bored kids. Why not involve them and turn the chores into fun bonding experience! You may surprisingly find that your kids enjoy these much more than before.

6. If possible, turn on your camera during video conferencing and show your smile! Human to human transmission of positive energy is much treasured at this time. (And to that end, do shave (for gentlemen) and wash your hair, change your pajamas...)

7. Extra patience and a sense of humor in this difficult/uncertain time. Portals may not work. Emails may take forever to download. Webex connection may fail. It may happen often during home-based work. Have extra patience for colleagues and yourself! And a sense of humor lightens the lonely days. 

8. Find your artistic side. In Beijing Office, colleagues’ creativity has shined through their snowmen sculptured, poems on the office blue, photos of looking outside the windows, and a video for women power.  Art expresses and connects. That’s exactly what we need. 

9. Exercise regularly.  When you are confined to mostly your house, your body will feel the difference. If you don’t normally work out, now is a good time to start. Also a good activity to involve your children! Stay strong, physically and mentally. We will get through this.

10.Get the right equipment if necessary. I found it very tiresome to type on the laptop all day long. Then I got a Bluetooth keyboard and put my hands at a lower position, which helped to relieve the pains in my shoulders. 

Work from home tips (if you are single and live alone)

1. Stay connected with friends and family! 

2. I know you probably hate cooking and the delicious restaurant takeouts are no longer available, but see it as a first step to start a more healthy and balanced diet 

3. Don’t spend too much time on social media - the news on the virus is overwhelming, try to stay positive

4. Try to enjoy doing all the house chores, see them as a way of home exercise

5. Have your hair cut and visit your dentist. You may not see them for some time.
6. It’s perfectly okay to talk to your cats or pets when you feel lonely.

Here are a few free sleep apps designed to help you maximize your recommended 7 hours of sleep, please click here (wbfn website)

Relaxation Music


The Power of Relaxation Training Instrumental Music

YouTube Videos:

Calming Nature S​ounds: Soothing Music, Relaxing Water Music, Meditate and Relaxation (Gentle Stream)

Jason Stephenson. 3 MINUTES Meditation music which will help you in relaxing and refresh your mind

Jason Stephenson. Relaxing Water Music

Peaceful Sleep Music: Deep Sleeping Music, Fall Asleep Fast, Calming Music, Meditation Music "LOVE"

Relaxing Celtic Music: Fantasy Music, Flute Music, Harp Music, Beautiful Music, Relaxing Music ★91

Relaxing Harp Music: Peaceful Music, Sleep Music, Meditation Music, Soothing Music ★80

8 Hours of Relaxing Sleep Music: Soft Piano Music, Deep Sleeping Music, Meditation Music ★100

1 HOUR of The Best Relaxing Music | Bamboo Flute | - Meditation - Healing - Sleep - Zen – Peace

Relaxing Celtic Music: Sleep Music, Flute Music, Meditation Music, Beautiful Relaxing Music ★86

Calming Music〜Stress Relief〜Sleep Music〜Study Music〜癒し動画

Tibetan Music, Healing Music, Relaxation Music, Chakra, Relaxing Music for Stress Relief, ☯450A

Relaxing Harp Music: Stress Relief, Sleep, Meditation, Spa | Instrumental Background Music ★53

MUSICOTHERAPIE ♪ Musique Zen pour Dormir Profondément ♥♥♥ Méditation Relaxation D

Relaxing Music: Sleep, Sleeping, Stress Relief, Meditation, Beautiful Nature, Soothing, Calming ★68

1 Hour Tibetan Calming Music: Meditation Music, Shamanic Healing Music, Yoga Music ☯167

+SLEEP Music: CALM : RELAX: TIME OUT: MEDITATE - dolphin sounds and waves - Musica para Bebes

Relax Music _ Nature and Dolphins Natura e Delfini

Dolphin Meditation Full HD – The Most Beautiful Relaxing Music Ever HQ

Dolphins & Whale sounds, 11 hours. Friendly Dolphins & Whales singing - Nature sounds for relaxation

♫ Dolphin dreams ♫ Melody oceans ♫ Zen and Relaxation ♫

Relax App


The HSD Counseling Unit is pleased to introduce the new Relax App. The Relax App offers relaxation and mindfulness audio guides in several languages which assist staff in optimally m​anaging and preventing stress, and improving their health, wellbeing and quality of life.

The Relax App also allows HQ and country office staff to join live sessions, including the weekly mindfulness relaxation group training on Tuesdays from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm, Washington, DC, time.

The Relax App is currently available through the WBG mobile applications store (Comp Portal).

Use your iPhone camera (WBG-managed devices only)​ to scan the QR below to download the App from the Comp Portal or from Apps@Work. Once scanned successfully, click/press the link that appears on top of your camera screen.


On Monday, April 13th we had a wonderful presentation with one of our Clinicians from FCS, What is keeping us up at night during the Coronavirus pandemic?  Some of the topics included: How to better manage our sleep during the Coronavirus pandemic; What are the challenges to getting good sleep as a result of the pandemic; Why is sleep important for our wellbeing; What are the negative impacts of sleep deprivation; What is sleep hygiene and how can we sleep better; We ended with a guided sleep meditation. below are the presentations that were provided. If you need support please reach out to the Family Consultation Services at FamilyConsultationService@wbfn.org or by phone +1-202-458-5550 (available 24/7)

Positive Steps to Wellbeing
Wellness Wheel photo
What is Sleep Hygiene? 
What is keeping us up at night during the Coronavirus pandemic? (main presentation video)

Supporting Our Elderly Parents in the Age of COVID

A video of the session can be seen here

How can we make more meaningful connections and informed decisions that relate to family matters, especially for our elderly parents, in the age of COVID?  In this session, we will explore how we can use our international transition experiences to strengthen and navigate our family relationships during these difficult times. This session was given on  Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Kids, Decision Fatigue, and Separation Anxiety during Reopening

A video of the session can be seen here(link is external)

The need to constantly make decisions, with little and confusing information, leaves us feeling depleted of energy and diminishes our decision-making abilities. It increases our sense of lack of control and anxiety. At the same time, our kids are starting to feel anxious about separating; after getting used to being by our side and knowing our very move, they’ll have to readjust to the uncertainty that comes from trusting other adults.  We’ll discuss the challenges ahead and how to prepare for them while taking care of ourselves in order to care for our children. This session was given on Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Power of Relationships:  Part I 

A video of the session can be seen here(link is external)
Click here for the PowerPoint. (to be posted)

Neuroscience research shows a powerful influence that relationships have on our emotional and physiological health.  In this session, we will examine ways in which we can increase the positive effects and minimize the negative consequences our relationship may have on our health and well-being as well as, strengthen and grow in the time we spend together and apart. This session was presented on Wednesday, August 12, 2020

The Power of Relationships:  Part II 
A video of the session can be seen here

Recent public health measures have increased our physical closeness with family members at home which may bring about challenges and conflict.  In this session, we will explore communication techniques and strategies to defuse difficult situations at home. This session was held on Wednesday, september 9, 2020

Navigating Behavioral Challenges with Remote Schooling for Parents- Sponsored by Mental Health America  

This session was given on Friday, September 11, 2020

As the school year begins, there are many new challenges being faced by parents and children trying to navigate remote learning.Without the same support systems that are typically in place there are additional layers of complexity in addressing behavioral challenges in students.

Join this free, 60-minute webinar where we will discuss:

  • how to differentiate the impact of stress and trauma versus other learning issues and diagnoses.
  • the impact of trauma/stress on the brain.
  • practical strategies to instill resilience in ourselves and our children in order to build healthy, happy children even in the face of adversity.

Meet the Presenters:

Tracy Clements is the Director of Counseling Services for Neosho School District in Southwest Missouri. She has worked in the counseling field for 28 years, the last 14 in educational settings. Tracy is a Licensed Professional Counselor and holds K-12 certification as a Professional School Counselor. She began her professional career working in child protective services, then moved on to working in psychiatric hospitals, a child advocacy center, and private practice before working in educational settings. She is also an adjunct professor for Lindenwood University.


This information session given on september 16 2020,  is Self-care for parents with special needs kids... in the current situation, using mindfulness and emotional self-awareness tools, where the presentation reframes that attitude with empathy, practical tips, and a discussion on the stakes.To view the video of this session, CLICK HERE.(link is external)

Supporting documents and presentation can be found at :  http://www.wbfn-global.org/documents/Covid19 Guide for SN parents.pdf

For more information on WBFN Disabilities program: disability@wbfn-global.org