Special Announcement



From the Presidents' desk—November 2020

November 2020

We hope that you and your loved ones, both near and far are safe and well. With schools and colleges having both online and in person sessions across the globe there is at least some degree of routine in our homes. We can honestly say that we’ve never experienced an event with such a drastic impact on how we live and work as the COVID-19 pandemic. Now more than ever, we must do the right things and be prepared to take steps beyond what we’re typically required to do. This is a time for reflection, doing the right thing and reaching out to those most in need.

For us at the Family Network November is the month of charity. It’s about giving, going beyond our comfort zone and making a difference. With the holiday season upon us and families gearing up for festivities across the globe we should remember that happiness is not so much in having as sharing. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.  

Margaret McNamara Education Grant (MMEG) supports women from developing countries in their pursuit of higher education. The organization draws inspiration from Margaret McNamara, and her vision of education and gender equality. MMEG’S Annual fundraising event is moving to a digital platform due to Covid-19. Please save the dates from November 11 to 23 to visit your favorite vendors from prior years and finish your holiday shopping early. Doing so not only supports the crucial mission of MMEG in helping provide for the education of exceptional women, but it also helps support small and local businesses which have suffered mightily during the pandemic. As Mother Theresa once said, “Its not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.” The fair is open to Worldwide customers however posting of goods can only be to an address in the USA.

Spontaneous donations are at times most appreciated and make a huge difference. A perfect example is of the Barry McIsaac Emergency Fund established in 2003 to assist our members facing domestic abuse, and various other hardships. We are glad to announce that to date we have disbursed $74,044.69 to 27 individuals who have been in dire need. This has made a widespread impact on our member’s wellbeing and what better way to appreciate those close to us than making a meaningful contribution. Remember, no amount is big or small but it’s the intention and goodwill that makes it worthwhile. If you would like to make a contribution to the Barry McIsaac Emergency Fund, please contact WBFN at familynetwork@worldbank.org, and we would be more than happy to assit you.

Be kind to yourself and be kind to others.

Our best wishes,

Padmini and Sara

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