Special Announcement



From the Presidents' desk—January 2023

Dear Member, 
A warm and joyous welcome to 2023! 
We hope you are having a pleasant beginning to the New Year. 
As Presidents, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for the great contributions made during the past year. It was a year of celebrations across our membership, and we strive to carry the baton with pride, courage, and perseverance. The Family Network has always worked with commitment and dedication and these qualities have helped us come a long way. 
As the holiday season was picking up pace, so were our active volunteers at HQ, preparing for a memorable event. The atmosphere at Family Network’s office was that of a carnival as the team worked tirelessly putting together the final and finishing touches. After putting it on hold for two long years, it gave us immense pride and joy to host WBGFN’s Children’s Holiday Party at HQ. It was an amazing feeling to witness such a fun and successful event for our families. The sheer happiness and contentment on the little ones’ faces was proof enough! 
We look forward to seeing you again this year and count on your support. 
WBGFN has always come together to create new opportunities of support, growth, and creativity for our global families. The last year has been wonderful, and we are looking forward to much healthier and more mutually beneficial stories for 2023. 
Best regards, 
Sara and Mary 
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