Special Announcement



From the Presidents' Desk—April 2019


Dear Fellow Spouses and Partners,

This month we have much information to share with you.

First, let’s focus on our Worldwide Program. In many countries, WBFN chapters are actively welcoming newcomers and fostering local communities. The regional champions are working with these chapters to improve the connection between the chapters and available resources in Washington DC.

We all know the incredible difference it makes for us and our families to be welcomed, and to have someone to call for information and advice when relocating. We want each relocating family at the World Bank Group to have this resource available.

But, we have not yet established a chapter in every country office location. Would you agree to share your experience with other families, and help them by providing insights on daily life in the country office location you know?

If you are willing to make a difference for relocating families, contact us, indicating which country office location you can provide insight on and we will include you as one of the WBFN’s connectors.

Second, and pursuing the same objective to not leave a WBG spouse or partner alone in front of the tons of questions associated with relocation, we have been working with the HR department to make sure that each time a staff with a family is relocated or hired, WBFN is informed early enough in the process to be able to reach out to the spouse/partner and offer them the support of fellow families immediately. We are very happy to share with you that this process will soon be available to us.

Last, but definitely not least, April is the time for you to vote for the members who will constitute the WBFN Executive Committee and Nominating Committee for the next fiscal year FY20 (already !!).

We want to say a big thank you to the nominating committee who worked hard to constitute this slate, and to the nominees for bringing their time and talent to this organization for the benefit of all our families worldwide.

With our warmest regards,

Marie-Noëlle and Loubna
WBFN Presidents
April 2019