Special Announcement



From the Presidents' desk—May 2023

Dear Member,
As we slowly navigate towards the culmination of FY23, Family Network has led a promising year serving our members worldwide. We made it our mission to empower, assist and support our global families, irrespective of the challenges thrown our way. We treasure our ability to adapt to changing scenarios while making sure the wellbeing of our members remains our top priority.  
Last month we celebrated the successful relaunch of the DC chapter’s Get-Together with a visit to the Botanical gardens. As the sun shone on our troopers, it brought hope for a promising year ahead. Our major events are not over yet – on May 11 join us for WBGFN’s hybrid Annual Meeting. We urge you to actively vote on time by visiting our website, and have your say heard. The results will be available on the meeting day. This is an opportunity to listen in and gain firsthand knowledge of the superb work our team members have been doing in various capacities, to uphold the organization’s strategic framework for the next two years. Attendees will hear more regarding the continuing development of our programs and services supporting our global families – wherever they find themselves in the world.
Following the Annual Meeting, WBGFN will be hosting the first in person Annual Dinner since the pandemic at HQ on May 23. Details of the program and ticket purchase will follow shortly, so keep an eye out.
The theme for the month of June, ‘Home’, is something we each have our own unique definition of. Why not send us a quick email letting us know what ‘Home’ means to you? How would you describe it and what do you associate it with? For some it’s a safe haven and a comfort zone where you can be yourself. We would love to hear from you, so do send us your response via email at familynetwork@worldbank.org
Wishing you a wonderful start to the summer season!
Best regards,
Sara and Mary


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