Special Announcement



From the Presidents' desk—October 2023


Dear WBFN member,

Life is a journey, often filled with unexpected twists and turns. It is during these challenging moments that the Family Network stands ready to assist all its members, offering unwavering support.

As we step into October, which is recognized as Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we wish to emphasize the importance of the Domestic Abuse Prevention Program (DAPP). Comprising a diverse, multicultural, and multilingual team of dedicated professionals, DAPP is here to provide confidential services. This includes crisis management, advocacy, short-term counseling, and a range of resources. These services and resources are available not only to our members based here at HQ but also to those in our country offices worldwide. For more information on DAPP resources and events please CLICK HERE

We want to emphasize that you should not consider yourself alone in your journey. Together, we can confront and overcome various challenges life may present, emerging from them even stronger and more resilient.

In addition to our ongoing commitment of support, we encourage all members to reach out to us, especially if you have any questions or concerns. Let us continue to stand together as a community, offering care, understanding, and solidarity to one another. 

Kind regards,
Mary and Hely


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