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Mosaic was the printed version of WBFN monthly pubication sent to all members; it was discontinued in 2014. Should you be interested pdf versions are made available to our members in our Mosaic Archives.
COVID-19 has caused major social and economic devastation, disconnected many from community resources and support systems, and created widespread uncertainty and panic.
WBG Parenting Now is an online interactive One-stop Shop for WBG parents around the world, who are looking for resources and to exchange information.....
COVID is both a crisis and opportunity for us. I have always admired Margaret Thatcher, the first woman Prime Minster of Great Britain. To me as a young girl, she was the epitome of an effective speaker capable of influencing lives and initiating positive change.....
When Covid struck, I found myself like many others, under a lot of pressure. Apart from the usual worries, I was also concerned about the long quarantine period and more importantly, the worry about how would I grow personally, during this period.
Supporting Our Colleagues: Mental Illness and Depression- I do not think we are hearing enough from staff as many are likely suffering in silence; fearful or unable to reach out. Home-based work may simply compound the feelings of isolation.