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Mosaic was the printed version of WBFN monthly pubication sent to all members; it was discontinued in 2014. Should you be interested pdf versions are made available to our members in our Mosaic Archives.
Probably never, have we looked so much into the future and change like we have this year. The crowned microscopic virus has had macro global consequences and turned our lives upside down...
It is without a doubt that the Sars-Cov-2 pandemic of 2020 brought the entire world to its knees. For once, the entire world had a shared enemy and a common denominator.
Starting on November 11, World Bank Group Family Network (WBgFN) members will once again have an opportunity to support the annual Arts & Crafts Fair which funds a large proportion of the education grants provided every year by Margaret McNamara Education Grants...
We are all going through a very strange time due to the COVID 19 pandemic. I am sure that each of us will close this chapter of our lives with unique stories.....