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Mosaic was the printed version of WBFN monthly pubication sent to all members; it was discontinued in 2014. Should you be interested pdf versions are made available to our members in our Mosaic Archives.
My life experience in the United States would not have been complete if I had not found a job in an American company. Why? Because it’s an excellent way to understand American society better...
I arrived just before Christmas, which is Brazil’s summer, the end of the school year, and when people generally head from the cities to the beach. Wonderful, I thought—how exciting that the seasons and even vacations were turned on their heads. I had really crossed into another land, which was exactly what I had intended. Brazil was...
Do you have a family member with a disability? The WBFN launched the Disabilities Program in May. Find out how the launch went, and what our team is working on.