Special Announcement



In the Name of your Daughter. FGM


“In the Name of Your Daughter”

The Role of Laws and Social Norms in the Eradication of FGM

Sponsored by the Legal Vice Presidency, Health and Safety Directorate’s Domestic Abuse Prevention Program, the Gender Based Violence Thematic Group (Gender Group), the Health, Nutrition and Population Global Practice and the Africa Region with the support of the Walace Global Fund, the US End FGM Network, and WomenStrong International


Thursday February 6, 2020 | 1:30-5:30 pm | J 1-050

13:30     Welcoming Words and Presentation of the 4th Edition of the FGM Legal Compendium
Sandie Okoro, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, World Bank Group
Isabella Micali Drossos, Senior Counsel, World Bank

14:00     Panel discussion on the Role of Laws and Social Norms in the Eradication of FGM
Bella Bird, Country Director (Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe) Africa Region, World Bank
Chisina Kapungu, Director, Learning and Organizational Strengthening, WomenStrong International
Ghada Khan, Network Coordinator at the US End FGM/C Network
Paul Komba, Senior Research Fellow, Northumbria University, UK
Chantal Bayor, Research Assistant, Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, Catholic University
Giselle Portenier, filmmaker, journalist and founding member of the End FGM Canada Network
Moderated by: Diana Arango, Senior Gender Specialist, World Bank

15:00     Coffee Break and Presentation of “Faces of Defiance” by Susan Gibbs, Program Director, Wallace
Global Fund

 (Susan Gibbs will be introduced by Tshiya Subayi, Senior Operations Officer (Health), World Bank)

15:30     Screening of and Debate on “In the Name of Your Daughter, a Story of Courage and Hope” a film by
Giselle Portenier who gives voice to brave girls in Tanzania escaping FGM in a local hero’s safe house
(Giselle Portenier will be introduced by Sameera Maziad Al Tuwaijri, Lead Health Specialist, World Bank)[Watch the trailer]  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xt3XdU0Fddo 


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Contact: Georgina Wiese – gwiese@worldbank.org

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Meeting number (access code): 739 312 958

Meeting password: jibvmvE2